While exiting the caves be sure to collect some Crystalline Sulfur. This will trigger a conversation with AL-An. While exploring, you may also discover an Architect Artifact at about 150 meters. You'll need to visit several to find all three Laser Cutter Fragments. The Sea Monkey Nests are common, but there are multiple types of fragments.

However, this time you will need to follow the caves much deeper to find the Nests, up to 150 meters. You should have dropped a Beacon here previously, but if not, feel free to visit the Building a Compass section of the Finding Delta Base page for instructions. You must also scan three Laser Cutter Fragments, located in the Sea Monkey Nests in the Artic Kelp Caves.

You will have previously discovered Diamond by Finding the Koppa Mining Site. The Laser Cutter requires Crystalline Sulfur, Titanium, a Battery and Diamond. To begin, you will need a few pieces of equipment, including the Laser Cutter.